In order for an applicant to maintain his/her
status on the list, he/she must notify the
Harbormaster's office in writing between January
1st and February 15th of each year of his/her
desire to remain on the list.
A non-refundable initiation fee of $15.00 for
Town of Barnstable residents and a $25.00 fee
for non-residents must accompany the applicant's
request to be placed on the waiting list. An
annual, nonrefundable maintenance fee of $5.00
for residents, and a $10.00 fee for
non-residents must accompany the applicant's
request to remain on the waiting list.
Effective May 15, 1994, no additional
applications will be accepted for the
waiting list. A moratorium shall be in
effect until the present waiting list has
been diminished and all applicants have
either been awarded a dock or have been
removed from the list for failure to
perform. From that time forth, the waiting
list shall be filled through a lottery
system, open to all, and placement upon the
list shall be in the order by which the name
of the applicant was drawn. The Town, at
it's discretion, shall determine the number
of applicants to be placed upon the waiting
list. All applicants upon their selection
through the lottery system, shall be subject
to the fee system as stated in the Marina
Rules and Regulations, and all other rules
and regulations as they pertain. When an
appropriate slip becomes available, the
Harbormaster will notify the applicant of
the vacancy and the applicant shall have
first right of refusal on leasing the slip.
Should the applicant not accept the offer of
the slip, the applicant may waive that offer
but elect to remain on the top of the wait
list for the next available slip. The vacant
slip shall then be offered to the next
eligible applicant until the vacancy is
filled. It shall be the responsibility of
the applicant to notify the Harbormaster's
Office of any change in the address or phone
number or any other significant changes to
the application.